Six Unique Fireplace Trends
Linear Gas Fireplaces
Linear fireplaces have been hot for a while and the trend is not slowing. They are sleek and modern, clean and uncluttered. Linear fireplaces add a luxurious, dramatic effect to any room.
Double-Sided Fireplaces
These see-through fireplaces provide ambiance and heat to two separate rooms at the same time. They are the epitome of style. Whether between a living room and dining room, or a bedroom and the master bath, a double-sided fireplace creates a romantic cozy space.
Eco-Friendly Fireplaces
Bioethanol fireplaces are rising in popularity because of the clean-burning, renewable fuel source. This fuel source does not require a chimney or vent, so they are great for smaller spaces or existing environments.
Outdoor Fireplaces
Outdoor living is increasing at a rapid rate and the incorporation of a fireplace makes sense. Extending living space outside of the home and into the yard is more functional when an outdoor fireplace is installed.
Electric Fireplaces
Electric fireplaces have become popular due to the fact that they now are customizable. Features include the ability to adjust heat, are smart home compatible, and can provide a variety of colored flames.
Suspended Fireplaces
This last trend is super cool – a fireplace suspended from the ceiling is rather bold and interesting. This floating feature allows for visibility from anywhere in the room and becomes the center of attention wherever it is.
If you would like to learn more about the different syles and features available, contact us today. We can help you evaluate various fireplace options and decide what’s best for you.